Tuesday , May 29th, 2018.
Pursuant to article 69 paragraph 3 of the Game of Chance Law (" Official Gazzette of the Republic of Montenegro ", nr. 052/04 from 02.08.2004, ''Official Gazette of Montenegro", nr. 013/07 from 18.12.2007, 073/10 from 10.12.2010, 040/11 from 08.08.2011, 061/13 from 30.12.2013, 037/17 from 14.06.2017.), Hipotekarna banka JSC Podgorica, as game of chance provider, sets the following:
Giveaway contest for Hipotekarna bank's Mastercard cardholders ,,From black and white movie to Red carpet''
The provider is Hipotekarna bank JSC Podgorica, with its headquarters in Podgorica (address: Josipa Broza Tita blvd. nr. 67, TIN 02085020), which, in order to promote its services and award its Mastercard cardholders, is organizing a giveaway contest named ''From black and white movie to red carpet '' .
Duration of giveaway contest
Giveaway contest „From black and white movie to red carpet” will last from 1st June 2018 until 30th June 2018.
Prize drawing mechanism
Hipotekarna bank's clients (natural persons) have right to participate if they have used their Mastercard in the period from 01.06.2018.-30.06.2018. in one of the following ways:
- Paying via Hipotekarna bank's POS terminals
- Paying via Hipotekarna bank's internet service: e-commerce
The winner is chosen by a random draw of Hipotekarna bank's Mastercard cardholder, with a help of a software, specially designed for this purpose.
Cardholder gets 1 point for every transaction equal or higher than 5 EUR.
The more points a cardholder accumulates the higher the chances that his/her name will be drawn. After every point has been gained, his/her name will be added in the database, out of which it will be randomly drawn. The same cardholder cannot be drawn as a winner more than once.
No points will be awarded for transaction on ATMs.
Mastercard Business cardholders cannot participate in this giveaway contest.
Hipotekarna bank's employees do not have a right to participate either.
The awards won cannot be exchanged for cash.
The prize fund:
The total value of the prize fund is 2.520,00 €:
- Principal prize: journey to Venice during film festival, for two persons - 1 award
- Private movie screening in Cineplexx-u Delta Shopping Mall - 1 award
- Half year "Cineplex package", 6x2 monthly tickets for Cineplex cinema (includes tickets, XL pop corns, 2 juices and sweets) – 10 awards
- The prize should be utilized until the end of 2018.
- Yearly HBO package (Extra TV service) - 10 awards
Drawing of the award winners
Drawing of the award winners will take place in TV Vijesti studio on 2 July 2018 and broadcasted on 3 July 2018 at 8.30 a.m. It will be monitored by three members board, from Hipotekarna bank Podgorica, who will surveile and report the drawing.
Cardhodler's personal details:
- Name and surname
- address ( street, number,place and zip code)
- phone number
- the giveaway provider will use these details exclusively for the contest purposes. The details of all participants will be stored in database out of which the winners will be drawn later.
The provider can make public the names and photos of the award winners, and use them for marketing purposes related to this giveaway contest, if needed, without any obligation to compensate.
The list of winners will be available at Hipotekarna bank's website at http://www.hb.co.me and will be published in daily newspapers ''Vijesti''. The deadlines for claiming the awards are:
- Principal awards 4 July 2018.
- Other awards 16 July 2018.
The award winners will be contacted via the phone number they provided, and awards can be claimed at Hipotekarna bank's headquarters in Podgorica (address: Josipa Broza blv. 67).
Other conditions
In case the principal award winner does not reply the call during the time assigned for receiving the award, on 5th of July 2018 the repetitive drawing of award will take place from the adjusted database of participants.
In case the contest winner is a minor, the prize will be claimed by his/her legal representative showing a birth certificate as a proof of legal representation status.
The prize fund bigger than 500 EUR which has not been assigned after the end of the contest game, will be sold at public call for bids, and the proceeds will be paid for the budget of the Republic of Montenegro 90 days after the deadline for award claims.
The Rules of giveaway contest for Mastercard cardholders of Hipotekarna bank
,, From black and white movie to Red carpet'' will be publshed on 31.05.2018. in daily newspapaers Vijesti and on the Hipotekarna bank's website www.hipotekarnabanka.com
Any dispute arising from this giveaway contest will be under the jurisdiction of the Court in Podgorica.
Hipotekarna bank JSC