Wednesday , March 15th, 2017.
- Over 60 companies, Hiptekarna Bank corporate clients, participated in “How to boost online sales?" workshop
- Ivan Bildi and Aleksandar Maric shared their knowledge with over 100 participants
Over a hundred participants from 60 companies, Hiptekarna Bank corporate clients, participated in “How to boost internet sales?” workshop, organized by Hipotekarna Bank.
Ana Golubovic, Director of Corporate Relations Division, welcomed all the participants and Aleksandar Maric from Smart web Agency discussed basic principles of boosting online sales.
“The market of Montenegro and Serbia at this moment is not that developed, which can be seen as an advantage and an opportunity. 50% of people in Montenegro use the Internet, with 7.8% using it for online purchases. In the past six months 16% Internet users made purchases online and currently they are our actual clients. This seemingly small number is a motivation and an advantage for further growth of online sales - said Mr Maric in his presentation.
One of the examples selected as an illustration was “Buy/Sell” website with 160 million euros turnover in the previous year.
Tamara Braunovic and Maida Lekic, representatives of Hipotekarna Bank informed the clients about HB e-commerce service that enables one to sell goods and services online by accepting payment cards from Visa International and Master Card systems at their online points of sale. As Tamara Braunovic, director of a Podgorica branch office, said, “This service allows our clients of sell their goods and services to buyers across the world, with no limitations of the working hours and with secure methods of payment. “What makes us different from other banks is that we allow our clients using Premium programme to pay for the goods and services purchased in intallments”.
Ivan Bildi (Likes&Cookies Agency) informed Hipotekarna Bank corporate clients about current e-commerce trends, how to boost sales in e-shops, and how Facebook advertising system works.
One of the participants in the workshop, Jelena Kaludjerovic, responsible for digital marketing in Budvanska Rivijera, shared her comments after the workshop: “As someone who for ten years now has been in the marketing profession, and involved intensively in digital marketing in the last couple of years, I think that educational content, such as the workshop organized by Hipotekarna Bank today, is extremely important for one in following the current trends, expanding knowledge and improving business skills in this area. At this seminar, I heard interesting information about online business and particularly liked the presentation by a renowned expert Ivan Bildi on Facebook and how advertising works in this most popular social network. I commend Hipotekarna Bank for organizing this event and showing one more time its true committment to its clients.”
The Bank will continue sharing knowledge with the clients on modern trends and new business modalities.