Wednesday , September 19th, 2018.
Public announcement
- Hipotekarna banka's new service – tailored for rental property owners , rent-a-car and touristic agencies
- HB Booking – availability of on-line collection, now for natural persons as well – for the first time in Montenegro
- On-line collection with no need for web site and without POS equipment
Hipotekarna banka has introduced a new payment service, HB Booking, intended for natural or legal persons who rent their real estate properties on the territory of Montenegro, rent-a-car agencies, as well as tour operator agencies and similar activities.
It is another innovation of Hipotekarna banka, which facilitates simple and secure solution for online collection via payment cards.
HB Booking helps registered private accomodation renting, rent-a-car and tourist agencies on line collection, with no need to create their own web site, and facilitates its clients safe and simple payment with their payment cards, in line with safest standard of international payment cards institutions. With this service Hipotekarna banka facilitates fast, simple and safe collection, for physical persons who are involved in private accomodation renting, as well as for legal persons without need for POS terminal .
The users of this service can register easily, they can trace their transactions and see the reports, they can create an offer by adding photos and advertise their services, i.e. they can easily customized their tourist offer .
Hipotekarna banka has for the first time in Montenegro offered its retail customers, who operate in tourism sector, to collect their receivables online. HB Booking is safe, user friendly and best way to collect online and pay tourist services, for both tourists and their hosts.
All details regarding this service can be find in Hipotekarna bank's local offices as well as on this link HB Booking.