Monday , July 4th, 2016.
Hipotekarna Bank awards users of electronic and mobile bankingHB click and mHB click at no additional fees
Hipotekarna Bank users who activate electronic banking service HB click and mobile banking mHB click by 1 October will be exempted for three months from the monthy fees for this service as well as any transaction fees. At the end of each month, until 1 October, the most active users of electronic and mobile banking services, HB click and mHB click, will receive a “Samsung J5”.Hipotekarna Bank electronic and mobile banking services, HB click and mHB click allow Hipotekarna Bank clients to effect most of their transactions from their computer or mobile phone, without visiting the bank. Payment of bills, money transfers, and many other transactions can be done from wherever they have the internet connection.
Applications HB click and mobile version mHB click are absolutely safe and simple to use.
“Hipotekarna Bank is a leader in innovations on Montenegro’s banking market. Our clients are used to receiving modern services from us, services that allow them to use our banking services in an easy, simple and safe way. We are sure that the majority of our clients will soon use electronic banking and save their time, but also contribute to the environment protection because there will be no need to print out the forms or use the energy to go to the nearest branch office”, said Ana Ristic, Hipoterkanra Bank marketing director.